The Ebola crisis in West Africa has been headline news for more than a year now, and the people of Sierra Leone in particular have suffered greatly as a result of this frightening and highly contagious disease.

As one of the UK’s leading infection control specialists, dentisan was delighted to contribute resources to help halt the spread of Ebola and in October last year they answered the call of UK-based charity ‘A Call to Business’.
Founded by Paul Szkiler, a great friend of dentisan’s Finance Director Helen Wigglesworth, ‘A Call To Business’ has been working in Sierra Leone since 2006, developing a network of 9,000 microfinance clients, which operate from 6 regional offices. By using this network, the donated supplies, including 15,000 litres of Dentisan’s alcohol-based hand sanitiser Dentigel, which was specially repackaged for the trip, have been distributed directly to those most in need at a local level, multiplying the effectiveness of the aid provided.
Country Director of ‘A Call to Business’ Joe Abass, has a national television program in which he instructs and educates people on how to respond to the Ebola crisis. ( This exposure ensures that the organisation has the influence, opportunity and the ability to do something of benefit for the nation at this crucial time.
The cost of living has risen significantly during the Ebola crisis, which has made life difficult for many ordinary people and this appeal was aimed at providing very practical and helpful items, as well as letting ordinary Sierra Leoneans know they were remembered by the outside world. The first delivery of aid arrived in January and with further shipments already on their way to Africa, Dentisan has been pleased to contribute, in some small part, to the effort to bring the Ebola crisis under control.
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