Christmas, for many of us, is a time of fun, food and celebration with family and friends, but for the less fortunate, both here and abroad, it can be a cold, hungry and desperately lonely time.
dentisan, along with their parent company, Quadralene, are striving to make a difference to those in need this Christmas. A long-time supporter of the homeless charity Crisis at Christmas, a pallet of cleaning and disinfection products (pictured) has already been donated to be used in some of the temporary centres across the UK which provide a warm and safe place to stay for those without shelter over the Christmas period.
dentisan is also keen to support local charity Serve the City – Derby, which mobilises volunteers to give practical help and support to those in need across the city. dentisan is donating 30 Christmas food boxes to the charity (1 for each member of staff) and several employees will spend 22nd December helping with the packing and delivery of the boxes to families and individuals on low incomes who would otherwise struggle to afford a Christmas meal.
Finally, as part of their ongoing association with the Networks charity, dentisan are also in the process of packing and shipping pallets of shoeboxes, loaded with Christmas gifts, to make a better Christmas for children in need in Romania. dentisan’s Commercial Director Bob Newsome commented: “We are proud to support international, UK and locally based charities and would like to thank our team for their hard work and generosity in helping make a real difference for those in need this Christmas.”
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